On this page:
A range of reports are regularly produced to show how we’re tracking against conservation goals, such as population counts and weed levels. Some of these are done by independent organisations.
Reports provide valuable input to our adaptive management approach to conservation.

Tracking our progress
Reports by the MSA program
Since the program began, we have produced a number of reports, including our Ecological outcomes report - 2014 to 2020.
We no longer publish annual reports in downloadable PDF format. Please view our progress on this webpage. If you’d like a copy of one of our previous annual progress reports, please email msa.bioconservation@deeca.vic.gov.au. We can also provide accessible versions.
Victorian Auditor General’s Office
In 2020, the Victorian Auditor General's Office (VAGO) released its report, Protecting critically endangered grasslands and made seven recommendations. We have accepted and completed all recommendations.
Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability
Every two years, the Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability delivers a report on the MSA Program's conservation outcomes.
See the Melbourne Strategic Assessment Conservation Outcomes 2022 Report to view the recommendations in full. We are working with our partners and stakeholders to carry out the recommendations. A summary of recommendations and our responses are below:
MSA Conservation Outcomes Report 2022 Recommendations and responses
DEECA should review the MSA Program's ecological monitoring and reporting framework. This should include redesigning existing methods and measures where required to achieve landscape-scale conservation outcomes. DEECA should address knowledge gaps through a research strategy.
We are:
- Reviewing and updating the monitoring and reporting framework.
- Developing a strategy to address knowledge gaps (to inform decision-making and management).
DEECA should produce a strategy to embed Traditional Owner rights and knowledge into the MSA Program. This includes their values, cultural heritage, and participation in its design and implementation.
We are:
- Creating a strategy to include Traditional Owners' rights, knowledge, values, and participation in the program. Additionally, we are funding activities to build capacity in Registered Aboriginal Parties.
DEECA should:
- Redesign the MSA program logic. Consult Traditional Owners, scientists, land managers, and other stakeholders.
- Create a governance framework to improve program decision-making and risk management.
We are:
- Updating the program logic and consulting with key stakeholders.
- Reviewing and updating the governance arrangements for the program, including all decision-making processes.
DEECA should:
- Adopt a risk-based land acquisition strategy. It should prioritise conservation and include interim management.
We have:
- Prepared a risk-based land acquisition strategy for the Western Grassland Reserve.
DEECA should:
- Modify the Natural Temperate Grassland monitoring methods. Organise by management unit and state. Include 'time since acquisition' as a parameter.
- Add a 'grassland quality' metric to the reports to improve interpretation of results
- Address areas where measures show that grassland condition is deteriorating.
We are:
- Reviewing and updating the monitoring and reporting framework.
DEECA should:
- Deliver the Grassy Eucalypt Woodland baseline by 2026, as planned. Adopt interim measures now to prevent deterioration in at-risk areas.
- Change the monitoring methods for the Grassy Eucalypt Woodland. Organise them by management unit and by state. Also, measure 'time since acquisition.'
- Add an overarching ’grassland quality’ metric to the key performance indicator reporting suite.
We are:
- Reviewing and updating the monitoring and reporting framework.
DEECA should:
- Increase weed control and funding for land managers to protect seasonal herbaceous wetland.
- Do more research into grazing effects, hydrological changes, and planting other native species.
- Broaden the KPI suite for future monitoring and reporting on wetland conditions.
We are:
- Improving weed management in the Western Grassland Reserve with our partners.
- Reviewing key performance indicators.
- Identifying information needs and priorities by developing a knowledge strategy.
DEECA should:
- Consider changes to how the golden sun moth is monitored.
- Undertake research into the impacts of biomass control.
We are:
- Changing the existing occupancy measure to an abundance measure.
- Looking into relationships between golden sun moth and grassland biomass and composition.
DEECA should:
- Periodically sample the genetics of future matted flax-lily populations. This will ensure their viability. It will also help develop a biomass control plan for the species.
We are:
- Using a population viability analysis to make a decision tree. This should address when and how to control biomass.
- We accept the critical importance of genetic sampling for all larger populations.
DEECA should:
- Clarify the monitoring design.
- Assess the adequacy of the current 10-year monitoring and reporting threshold.
- Develop a biomass control plan for the spiny rice-flower.
We are:
- Incorporating the updated monitoring design into the new monitoring and reporting framework.
- Reviewing the 10-year monitoring and reporting thresholds.
- Using existing Population Viability Analyses to create a decision tree. This should address when and how to control biomass.
DEECA should:
- Research the southern brown bandicoot's habitat preferences. Study its responses to pressures and management.
- Design a protocol for using citizen science. Empower partners to contribute to reporting on KPIs.
We will:
- Review compatible data from other organizations on population trends. We will supplement this with a literature review.
- Work with the Royal Botanic Gardens Cranbourne to boost community engagement and citizen science.
DEECA should:
- Monitor new corridors for the Growling Grass Frog. Assess threats and management responses.
- Encourage citizen science to supplement conventional monitoring.
We are:
- Monitoring corridors under a 5-year rolling program. This includes the Merri, Darebin, and Moonee Ponds Creek catchments, and the Emu and Jacksons Creek catchments.
- Working with GGF land managers to support community engagement and citizen science.
DEECA should:
- Urgently assess the impacts of biomass and pests on the small golden moths orchid.
We are:
- Reviewing and prioritising this knowledge gap and looking at establishing a monitoring regime.
DEECA should:
- Redesign the KPI and monitoring protocol for the striped legless lizard. The measure for persistence should be a randomly sampled occupancy measure across all sites. It should also account for new locations.
- Undertake research to assess habitat preferences and population dynamics for the striped legless lizard.
We are:
- Reviewing and updating the monitoring and reporting framework.
- We will assess habitat preferences using existing (and future) data.
DEECA should:
- Assess the causes of recruitment failure for the button wrinklewort population, including research into germination.
- Develop a management plan for the species based on the findings.
We are:
- Working on this recommendation with La Trobe University.
- Future work will be refined through the new knowledge strategy and a review of the monitoring and reporting framework.
DEECA should:
- Investigate the benefits of boosting populations of large-fruit groundsel by planting tube stock.
We are:
- Reviewing, refining, prioritising, and implementing by preparing the knowledge strategy.
Page last updated: 31/10/24